
Doing What Is Right To Diminish Long Lasting Effects To Our Surroundings IE-Lands

Type 1 Weed Wash Portable Rinse-Off & Reclaim System - Removes salt and chemicals

          Several years ago, when I started my company I had an idea to be a person who could provide a safe and reliable service to people and they could understand what it means to be a steward of the land. The Type1 Portable Weed Wash & Reclaim is hired out under contract to Federal & State fire agencies and anyone else who needs our services to wash off equipment & automobiles to keep the spread of noxious weeds from spreading when they have been used at fires or other events where the land has been disturbed. One big use for this type of equipment is to be a wash station in and around communities when they have been impacted by fire, flood, or other disasters where people can carry these noxious weeds under their vehicles and not even know it causing the spread of weeds that then take over the landscape over time. Like everything it is not the only answer, but it is part of a solution to minimize the everlasting damages. In many areas that I have been around after wildfires or floods have gone through, the one big thing forgotten was to think of the landscape with weeds taking over and how things should have been dealt with to help keep them from taking over. This past year on one particular fire I did my independent study. I paid very close attention to what I was filtering at 10 microns through my wash & reclaim system. I noted at least 4 different types of weed seed being captured. This is a very impressive thing to note as I could see that I was getting done what I was hired to do. This system can also be used by the state road dept. or private contractors to wash off their equipment after applying snow melting chemicals or salt. This will save untold hours and dollars to replace rusted parts and wiring on trucks and equipment.

          There are other environmental things to consider during events such as fires and the number one thing is, “What am I doing that will have a lasting effect on myself and others that I may be doing now that I should have thought of before this event?”

          In closing: Elkhorn Wildfire LLC can help you to minimize your environmental impacts before, during and after a disaster.

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